Characterization of basin-scale systems under geochemical and mechanical compaction
- Start date: 2009
- End date: 2015
- Funded by: Eni S.p.A.
- Topic: Modeling field settings associated with geochemical and mechanical compaction.
The project is keyed to studying the phenomena driving the feedback between sediment compaction processes and fluid flow in stratified sedimentary basins formed through lithification of sand and clay sediments after deposition. Key objectives are (i) the quantification of the influence of the uncertainty of model input parameters on model output and (ii) the application of inverse modeling techniques to field scale settings. We rest on a numerical approach based on three building blocks: (a) space-time discretization of the compaction process; (b) representation of target output variables through a Polynomial Chaos Expansion (PCE); (c) model inversion (parameter estimation) within a Maximum Likelihood framework.