Validation of calibration and sensitivity analysis tools developed for the quantification of sedimentological processes at the basin scale under uncertainty
- Start date: 2015
- End date: 2018
- Funded by: Eni S.p.A
- Topic: Application to field cases of global sensitivity analysis tools and model reduction techniques for stochastic inverse modeling of sedimentological processes. Quantification of parametric and scenario uncertainties.
DionisosCalib provides an ensemble of models which are calibrated through sediment thicknesses and identify an ensemble of parameter combinations compatible with data obtained through seismic interpretation. These parameters combinations are then used to simulate the problem through Dionisos to obtain the probabilistic assessment of quantities of interest. Exploration activities are focused on the quantification of the net-to-gross parameter that quantifies the volume of the accessible resources. Here we consider the sum of sand and coarse sand volume fractions (i.e., including sandy fractions and excluding silt and shale fractions) as a proxy variable of net-to-gross. The outputs of Dionsisos provide us with a probabilistic evaluation of the distributions of the facies.